Livescore, livestream and video recording in sport

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for players, coaches, parents and fans


The app for managing videos in the video cloud and for independently controlling public KITRIS video systems.

Video Cloud

Sharing videos

KITRIS Scoring - Selfscoring by Players

Cutting videos

KITRIS Scoring - Scoring durch Stuhlschiedsrichter

Operating KITRIS video systems

The myKITRIS app is required for personal authentication and operating KITRIS video systems on tennis and padel courts.

Only two steps to start a recording.

1. Scan the QR code
2. Press buzzer or enter code

Stop recording at the end of the session.
KITRIS Realive Court QR.Cide

Install the app and off you go

Find the app in your store here.

myKITRIS app on PlayStore
myKITRIS App on App Store

Questions about the myKITRIS app?

Please let us know what you would like to know so that we can advise you specifically. We look forward to receiving your enquiry.

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