Multiple functions for many different target groups and needs
On the one hand, our product is aimed at organisers of sporting events and their sponsors, visitors on site, external spectators, athletes and coaches. On the other hand, we provide our product to managers of sports facilities. The system is operated either in event or public mode, whereby one or more features are used.
Die einfachste und günstigste Livescore- und Livestream-Lösung für Veranstalter von Tennis- und Padel-Turnieren sowie anderen Sportevents. Die Bedienung erfolgt über ein Web-Interface. Features wie automatische Werbeeinblendungen können auf Wunsch genutzt werden.
The simplest and most affordable livescore and livestream solution for organisers of tennis and padel tournaments and other sporting events. It is operated via a web interface. Features such as automatic adverts can be used on request.
Coaches use the coaching app directly on the sports field with a tablet or their smartphone. Key moments can be marked on the court using a smartphone or buzzer and analysed directly with the athletes. The coach does not have to worry about the camera or other hardware, but remains focussed on the athlete at all times. The coach can call in visual assistance at any time if required.
Our origins lie in tennis and we are still very active in tennis today. However, our solution is just as suitable for all other sports with ball and racket as well as many other sports.
The KITRIS Realive solution is an economically and technically sophisticated scoring and video product. One camera per court, a single cable and the Realive Box with all computer and network components. Add to this a smart cloud solution that can be operated via any device and the live court is ready to go. Adverts and results are displayed via the cloud.
Every match is available for players, coaches and interested parties to analyse and edit immediately after the match. The "cost per use" principle applies. If you want the video, you pay for it. The organiser participates in the sale of videos as well as in advertising revenue from advertising partners and live streaming revenue.
The infrastructure can be rented or purchased by the organiser. Because the purchase price is relatively low, it is worth buying for anyone who organises more than one event per year. All the more so because the fixed installation is always available to all users of the sports facility as an automatic video recording tool.
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